Training & Events
Check out and sign up for our latest training and events and learn what is on offer from a range of other providers.
Network Information Sessions
Come and listen to a range of speakers provide bite-sized introductions to their work and how it is relevant to TAs in Suffolk, while sharing experiences with staff from other schools. Speakers will be confirmed soon.
Dyscalculia Training
This course will give an overview of Dyscalculia as a specific learning difficulty, best practice regarding assessment procedures and a range of teaching strategies and recommendations.
Behaviour Training for TAs in EYFS/KS1/KS2
These sessions are being delivered by the Ipswich Associate Research School. They will cover what the EEF says about behaviour interventions, effective classroom strategies and changes since COVID.
Speech, Language and Communication Training by NHS Speech and Language Therapy and Education Outreach SLCN
NHS Speech and Language Therapy and Education Outreach SLCN would like to offer you six VIRTUAL sessions of CPD across the academic year 2021-2022.
Loss and Bereavement Training by Psychology and Therapeutic Services
The Psychology and Therapeutic Services are pleased to be able to offer a half day training for adults who support children experiencing loss and bereavement.