Training & Events

Check out and sign up for our latest training and events and learn what is on offer from a range of other providers.

Suffolk TA Network Conference

Tickets are now available for the Suffolk TA Network
conference on Friday 16th September 2022 at Trinity
Park Conference and Events Centre, Ipswich. This
year, our conference is called ‘Start Talking About
Communication’ and we are thrilled to be working
in collaboration with Suffolk County Council Education Outreach Service
for Speech, Language and Communication and NHS speech and
language therapy services in Suffolk.
The conference will run from 9.00-15.00, opening with a keynote speech by
Ros Somerville, Assistant Director Inclusion at Suffolk County Council,
followed by a series of SLCN themed workshops/talks. Refreshments and
lunch will be provided and a full programme will be available soon.

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Network Information Sessions

Come and listen to a range of speakers provide bite-sized introductions to their work and how it is relevant to TAs in Suffolk, while sharing experiences with staff from other schools. Speakers will be confirmed soon.

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Dyslexia- Themed Face-to-Face Networking

Are you interested in dyslexia? Are you a TA with a
specialism in dyslexia? Would you like to meet similar
colleagues across Suffolk?
Emma Pearce, Suffolk TA Network Champion for South
Suffolk, is offering you an opportunity to network with
other TAs in Suffolk with a focus on dyslexia support.

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Supporting a learner’s capacity to learn and enabling them to achieve their potential

This webinar is being delivered by the Driver Youth Trust. It will explore the cognitive challenges an individual may experience when learning. It will cover what it means to be ‘ready to learn’ and provide strategies to support those children and young people that may find learning a challenge. This might include, comprehending the class teaching, retaining it and recalling it when needed.

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Metacognition – growing stronger relationships to learning

Evidence suggests the use of ​‘metacognitive strategies’ – which get pupils to think about their own learning – can be worth the equivalent of an additional +7 months’ progress when used well. However, while the potential impact of these approaches is very high, particularly for disadvantaged pupils, less is known about how to apply them effectively in the classroom. This session will outline and share a number of practical approaches teaching assistants can use in their work with pupils which translate key principles in to practice and develop their pupils’ metacognitive skills and knowledge.

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