About Us
Designed, developed and delivered by teaching assistants (TAs) for teaching assistants. Whether you are known as a TA, LSA, HLTA or something else, if you work in a Suffolk school, we are here for you.
The Suffolk TA Network launched in December 2020 in response to a need for a platform to develop and share knowledge and skills. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and we have grown into a thriving community of like-minded professionals. The Suffolk TA Network supports and promotes the work of teaching assistants across the county through a range of training and networking opportunities. We aim to raise the professional profile of TAs both locally and nationally.
We are always keen to work with other regions to develop a similar model and would love to hear from you.
Latest Newsletter
Our half-termly newsletter keeps you up-to-date with the work of the Suffolk TA Network. Each newsletter is packed full of news, articles by TAs, features by organisations, book reviews and current training and networking opportunities. As a member, newsletters will be emailed to you directly. Click below to view our latest edition.
"The Suffolk TA Network provides a place for TAs to feel good about themselves and their role and also promotes advice and training opportunities."
A Suffolk TA Network member (Suffolk TA Network Impact Summary, Steve Allman, 2021)
Impact Report
A summary of the network’s impact on TAs during its first six months
"Informed presenters sharing great knowledge and ideas."
A conference delegate (Suffolk TA Network Annual Conference Impact Report, Abi Joachim, 2023)
"The conference was really well organised. Very good speakers who know their subjects. Lovely helpful staff. Great lunch."
A conference delegate (Suffolk TA Network Annual Conference Impact Report, Abi Joachim, 2022)
Conference Impact Reports
A summary of the impact of the second Suffolk TA Network conference held on Monday 2nd October 2023
A summary of the impact of the first Suffolk TA Network conference held on Friday 16th September 2022